Dataverse views as Criteria's definitions

Hello, During project, we often have the need to implement some complex criteria's handling for approval processes for example. Redevelop this when we are talking about simple conditions if fine. As soon as we want to be able to manage criteria's like : Field1 = Value1 && Field2 = Value2 || Field3 != Value3 »

Trigger Flow when user is added to access team

Hello everyone, Today's question is around the triggering a flow from an access team. Seems simple as it is but you need to dig a bit more to perform the full process. Scenario My business requirement was to send an email (without code) when user was added to an access »

PCF : Any Composite Fields

Hello everyone, Today's PCF control will be about the Composite Fields ! As you may saw, with the Unified Interface layout, the composite fields more or less disappeared. By this, I mean that if you add a composite field such as FullName or Address on your form, this will be replaced »

PCF : Quick Edit Form

Hello everyone, Today, I'm really pleased to announce my latest PCF control. You know the Quick View Form which are used to display data from a related lookup, but unfortunately, you can't handle the rendering and it's only a read-only rendering. Those limitations are now OVER ! What is the Quick »

Unit test Azure Service Bus routing

MockServiceBus Supporting & maintaining Azure Service Bus routing rules could be tricky to design without regressions and unexpected behaviors. MockServiceBus with help of TSQL.Parser provides solution to unit test your subscriptions routing. Install-Package MockServiceBus Basic example A brokered message with custom property flag=1 to be correctly transfered for »